è nato il primo maggio del 1945 a Samobor. E' cresciuto in Podravina a Ferdinandovac e a Durdevac. Ha frequentato l'Istituto Magistrale a Krizevci e nel 1965 ha conseguito il diploma di maestro. Da allora dipinge, riceve le prime cognizioni della pittura dai professori Ancic e Friscic. Nel 1965 comincia a lavorare come maestro a Molve e nelle ore libere dipinge. Nel 1968 dipinge a olio su vetro nello stile della pittura naive e accetta i consigli utilissimi di Ivan Generalic. Nel 1969 comincia ad esporre le sue opere alle mostre collettive nelle città croate e all'estero. E' membro della Società degli Artisti naifs della Croazia e della Cooperativa di arti figurative di Durdevac. Ha esposto in circa 270 mostre collettive in tutto il mondo e una ventina individuali.

he was born May 1, 1945 in Samobor. It 'grew up in a Podravina Ferdinandovac and Durdevac. He attended the Institute of Science in Krizevci and in 1965 he graduated as a teacher. Since then he paints he received the first knowledge of painting by teachers and Ancic Friscic. In 1965 he began working as a teacher and Ling in his free time painting. In 1968 he painted in oil on glass painting in the style of naive and accepts the advice of Ivan Generalic useful. In 1969 he began showing his works at exhibitions in cities in Croatia and abroad. And 'member of the Society of Artists naifs of Croatia and the Cooperative of fine arts Durdevac. He has exhibited in about 270 group exhibitions worldwide and a dozen individuals.

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