was born May 28, 1959 at Gola, in Podravina. He began to paint in 1967, and exposed for the first time in 1971 in the exhibition in Zagreb. She had her first solo exhibition in 1974, and so far has exhibited individually twenty times, and has participated in about seventy group exhibitions. It is professionally engaged in painting, to Gola, and exposes mainly abroad. Painted with the technique of oil painting on glass, and its reasons are related to childhood (flowers, dolls, old books and tools, etc...) Few artists have demonstrated their childhood in an authentic way as it did Biserka Zlatar. Today Biserka Zlatar is a mature and established artist in his own country and abroad. However, it always comes back to childhood to the same extent in the landscapes of his native village, gorge, in the region beyond the river Drava and the memory of the objects that filled his little pictorial world of the "child prodigy". And these items come from old houses, the cupboards, forgotten, and begin to play in silence their representation on the stage dimmed (shaded) Biserka that he painted as a place between reality and dream. Biserka Zlatar is the next big star of the Croatian naive painting.
Biserka Zlatar :
Dravska 54
48331 Gola,
tel. 048/833-011 098/662-634
e-mail: biserkazlatar@gmail.com biserka-zlatar@net.hr