was born on 11 January 1951 at Gola, in Podravina, into a peasant family. He painted his first works in 1969 and has since exhibited. In 1973/74 perfected the technique of painting on glass and find their own solutions, with groups of people in the paintings, are also very characteristic of its grotesque figures, as well as its bucolic scenes, the colorful and lively. From 1980/81 you can see the change as to the theme, composition and color: the artist leaves the edges hard, takes the range with strong dark shadows, and gradually leave out the landscape, human figures become the main promoter tension work. In his first born 1982/83 cycle titled "Masks", and in 1983/84 dipiongere starts a series of paintings on the theme of Christian mythology, the windows become dark, dramatic, the way of painting becomes observable. From 1988/89 to change the composition of new and colorful paintings in the space becomes larger, and decreases the size of the figures in some elements of the landscape paintings are lost altogether, in others, the so-called "pure landscape" the artist focuses on the bright and the atmosphere dramatically. A series of works is the theme of Greek mythology, the prevailing abstraction of the landscape and figures, style is more narrative, expresses only the essential, and the equally characteristic virtuosity, refinement, poetic quality, elegance, as well as the rich fantasy. He has exhibited his works in many collective and individual exhibitions at home and abroad.
was born on 11 January 1951 at Gola, in Podravina, into a peasant family. He painted his first works in 1969 and has since exhibited. In 1973/74 perfected the technique of painting on glass and find their own solutions, with groups of people in the paintings, are also very characteristic of its grotesque figures, as well as its bucolic scenes, the colorful and lively. From 1980/81 you can see the change as to the theme, composition and color: the artist leaves the edges hard, takes the range with strong dark shadows, and gradually leave out the landscape, human figures become the main promoter tension work. In his first born 1982/83 cycle titled "Masks", and in 1983/84 dipiongere starts a series of paintings on the theme of Christian mythology, the windows become dark, dramatic, the way of painting becomes observable. From 1988/89 to change the composition of new and colorful paintings in the space becomes larger, and decreases the size of the figures in some elements of the landscape paintings are lost altogether, in others, the so-called "pure landscape" the artist focuses on the bright and the atmosphere dramatically. A series of works is the theme of Greek mythology, the prevailing abstraction of the landscape and figures, style is more narrative, expresses only the essential, and the equally characteristic virtuosity, refinement, poetic quality, elegance, as well as the rich fantasy. He has exhibited his works in many collective and individual exhibitions at home and abroad.
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